* 當您洽辦本程式業務或參與本程式活動時,我們將視業務或活動性質請您提供必要的個人資料,並在該特定目的範圍內處理及利用您的個人資料;非經您書面同意,本程式不會將個人資料用於其他用途。
* 本程式在您使用服務信箱、問卷調查等互動性功能時,會保留您所提供的姓名、電子郵件地址、聯絡方式及使用時間等。
* 於一般瀏覽時,伺服器會自行記錄相關行徑,包括您使用連線設備的IP位址、使用時間、使用的瀏覽器、瀏覽及點選資料記錄等,做為我們增進程式服務的參考依據,此記錄為內部應用,決不對外公佈。
* 為提供精確的服務,我們會將收集的問卷調查內容進行統計與分析,分析結果之統計數據或說明文字呈現,除供內部研究外,我們會視需要公佈統計數據及說明文字,但不涉及特定個人之資料。
* 本程式主機均設有防火牆、防毒系統等相關的各項資訊安全設備及必要的安全防護措施,加以保護程式及您的個人資料採用嚴格的保護措施,只由經過授權的人員才能接觸您的個人資料,相關處理人員皆簽有保密合約,如有違反保密義務者,將會受到相關的法律處分。
* 如因業務需要有必要委託其他單位提供服務時,本程式亦會嚴格要求其遵守保密義務,並且採取必要檢查程序以確定其將確實遵守。
* 經由您書面同意。
* 法律明文規定。
* 為免除您生命、身體、自由或財產上之危險。
* 與公務機關或學術研究機構合作,基於公共利益為統計或學術研究而有必要,且資料經過提供者處理或蒐集著依其揭露方式無從識別特定之當事人。
* 當您在程式的行為,違反服務條款或可能損害或妨礙程式與其他使用者權益或導致任何人遭受損害時,經程式管理單位研析揭露您的個人資料是為了辨識、聯絡或採取法律行動所必要者。
* 有利於您的權益。
* 本程式委託廠商協助蒐集、處理或利用您的個人資料時,將對委外廠商或個人善盡監督管理之責。
This privacy policy governs your use of the application on Apple iPhone/iPad.
What information does the Application obtain and how is it used?
The Application obtains the information you provide when you download and register the Application. The information you provided during the purchase process through Apple App Store is regulated by Apple’s privacy policy, and how can we utilize those information is also regulated by Apple. We do not collect or transfer any of your typing or any personal information in the application itself. Please keep in mind that you may not be able to use some of the features offered by the application unless you enable the “Allow Full Access” option, which allows the keyboard to communicate with the hosting app.
Automatically Collected Information?
We do not collect, record, transfer or store any information from the keyboard extension. The “Allow Full Access” feature is a requirement of saving and loading the options of the keyboard. All your inputs and information won’t be saved or transferred to anyone. This application also does not require internet connection to work.
Does the Application collect precise real time location information of the device?
No. We don’t collect any information about your location.
Do third parties see and/or have access to information obtained by the Application?
What are my opt-out rights?
You can stop all collection of information by the Application easily by uninstalling the Application. You may use the standard uninstall processes as may be available as part of your mobile device or via the mobile application marketplace or network.
Data Retention Policy, Managing Your Information
We do not collect or store any of your information nor any of your typing or location, as a result, we do not have any retention policy.
This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time for any reason. We will notify you of any changes to our Privacy Policy by posting the new Privacy Policy here. You are advised to consult this Privacy Policy regularly for any changes, as continued use is deemed approval of all changes. You can check the history of this policy by emailing us at weberlolz.1111@gmail.com
Your Consent
By using the application, you are aware of, consent to and will comply with this privacy policy.
Contact us
If you have any questions regarding privacy while using the Application, or have questions about our practices, please contact us via email at iosdev.weber@gmail.com